I just wanted to take a minute to acknowledge the great work you and your company did on this job.
With all of the challenges facing us and the construction industry as a whole at this time, you not only answered the call, but exceeded all expectations we had for a contractor on this project. You were very timely in responding to the need for submittals prior to start, and continued to be very easy to work with in managing the project. Similarly, the workers on site were fantastic…You and your crews worked with the representatives of the Owner to make sure that their needs were met, while quickly responding to the needs of the project and the project site. Most importantly, the quality of the work is superb, your company responded promptly and professionally, and worked to deliver the project under budget and weeks ahead of schedule.
On behalf of myself and the School Town of Munster, thank you again for your great work.
Jamie Lake, J. Lake Architecture & Design, President, CEO