Meet Hope

At The Pangere Corp., Hope Always Leads the Way

Hope is with President and CEO Steve Pangere wherever he goes and is a symbol for the faith he has in the future of the company and Northwest Indiana. She serves as Mr. Pangere’s guide and has been by his side since 2010.

Mr. Pangere lives with vision loss caused by Rod–Cone Dystrophy. He first met Hope at The Seeing Eye Dog Guide School in Morristown, New Jersey. She is a Labrador mix and is an important part of the Pangere family.

In part because of his experiences with visual impairment, Mr. Pangere helped launch the Pangere Center for Inherited Retinal Diseases in partnership with The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired. The center will be led by world-renowned ophthalmologist and researcher Dr. Gerald Fishman. He and Pangere have known each other for more than four decades.