Indiana Pickling and Processing Pickle Line Reroof
Indiana Pickling and Processing Company
Steel Processing Facility
Portage, Indiana
The Pangere Corporation completed a reroof and structural repairs for the Indiana Pickling and Processing Company facility under difficult conditions. The facility houses a steel pickling line and steel coil warehousing in the same building. Over years of use, the hoods over the wet section of the lines began to allow more humidity into the atmosphere, which in turn detrimentally affected the steel in the secondary supports and the standing seam roof panels.
The project presented several complex issues with removing and replacing the entire roof, along with the structural supports, while maintaining operations at the facility. Through the coordinated efforts among Pangere, the owner, and engineers, a plan was devised allowing for Pangere to complete its work safely and allowing the owner to keep the facility operational during the process.
Services provided by Pangere included:
Visual inspection of the building from the interior and exterior
Engineering inspection and analysis of critical components
Furnishing of the replacement metal roofing materials
Design and furnishing of the required primary and secondary support steel
Labor and equipment to perform all metal roofing and structural repairs
Shop cleaning and high performance coating of all new structural support steel
Project management and coordination to support owner activities